In this tutorials will discuss about Tableau desktop, Tableau server.

Will learn Tableau through scenorios and later will cover topics. The advantage of learning through scenorios is that in each scenorio will talk about data connection, covers some topics, interacting with Tableau server etc.

For any quetions on tableau tutorials please drop me an email on OR OR Watsapp Me on +91-9550652015


Practice questions

1Q) Show region, category and sub-category wise sales and show sub_totals at region and category level?
Sample Output Snow

Tableau Videos - B23

Cs1: Introduction


Cs2: Introduction - ETL Intro


Cs3: Introduction - DWH Concepts


Cs4: Data Modeling - Joins


Tableau Videos - B22

Cs1: Introduction & Row-Level(Non-Aggregated) vs Aggregated


Cs2: Dashboard Design - Layout

Dashboard Layout

Cs3: Dimensions vs Measures & Discrete vs Continuous

Dimensions vs Measures & Discrete vs Continuous

Cs4: Measure Filters

Measure Filters

Cs5: Measure Filters - 2

Measure Filters

Cs6: Dimensiom Filters - 2

Dimension Filters

Cs7: SET's


Cs8: Groups


Cs9: SQL-1


Cs10: SQL-2


Cs11: Actions 1


Cs12: Actions 2


Cs13: Actions 3


Cs14: Functions 1


Cs15: Dates 1


Cs16: Dates 2


Cs17: Dates 3


Cs18: Dates 4


Cs19: Window Functions/Table Calculations - 1

Table Calculations

Cs20: Window Functions/Table Calculations - 2

Table Calculations

Tableau Videos - B21

Tableau(B21) - Cs1: Introduction


Tableau(B21) - Cs2: Introduction-2


Tableau(B21) - Cs3: Introduction 3


Tableau(B21) - Cs4: Data Types and Filters Intro

Data Types & Filters

Tableau(B21) - Cs5: SQL Intro


Tableau(B21) - Cs6: SQL


Tableau(B21) - Cs7: SQL


Tableau(B21) - Cs8: SQL


Tableau(B21) - Cs9: SQL Joins

SQL Joins

Tableau(B21) - Cs10: SQL UNIONS


Tableau(B21) - Cs11: SQL Scenorios

SQL Scenorios

Tableau(B21) - Cs12: SQL Views, Commands (DDL, DML etc)

SQL Views, Commands

Tableau(B21) - Cs01: Tableau - Data Modeling

Data Modeling

Tableau(B21) - Cs02: Tableau - Agg vs Non-Agg Intro

Agg vs Non-Agg Intro

Tableau(B21) - Cs03: Tableau - LOD


Tableau(B21) - Cs05: Tableau - LOD & WINDOW Functions, Table Calculations

LOD & WINDOW Functions, Table Calculations

Tableau(B21) - Cs06: Tableau - LOD Functions

LOD Functions

Tableau(B21) - Cs07: Basic Dashboard Layout

Basic Dashboard Layout

Tableau(B21) - Cs08: Tableau - Text Filters

Text Filters

Tableau(B21) - Cs09: Tableau - Measures and SET's

SET's and Measures

Tableau(B21) - Cs10: Tableau - Groups


Tableau(B21) - Cs11: Tableau - String Functions 1

String Functions

Tableau(B21) - Cs12: Functions-2


Tableau(B21) - Cs13: Placing Filters in Dashboard

Place Filters in Dashboard

Tableau(B21) - Cs14: Parameters-1


Tableau(B21) - Cs15: Parameters-2


Tableau(B21) - Cs16: Layout Practice 1

Layout 1

Tableau(B21) - Cs17: Parameters 3


Tableau(B21) - Cs18: Dates 1


Tableau Videos - B20

Tableau(B20) - Cs1: Introduction


Tableau(B20) - Cs2: Dimension vs Measures

Dimension vs Measures

Tableau(B20) - Cs3: Basic Aggregate Functions - Part1

Aggregate Functions

Tableau(B20) - Cs4: Basic Aggregate Functions - Part2


Tableau(B20) - Cs5: About Marks Card in Sheet, Basic Charts

About Options in Marks Card

Tableau(B20) - Cs6: Grand Totals Sub-totals options & Formatting

Totals Display & Formatting

Tableau(B20) - Cs7: Number Format Option for measures (Data Source level, Sheet Level), ROUND Function

Number Formatting

Tableau(B20) - Cs8: Charts Part1

Dashboard Charts - Part1

Tableau(B20) - Cs9: Filters - Text Filters & Introduction to Parameters

Text Filters, Basic Parameter concepts

Tableau(B20) - Cs10: Filters - COndition & Top Options

Text Filters, COndition & Top options

Tableau(B20) - Cs11: Filters - Measure Filters(All Valeus, SUM options & FIXED calculation)

Measure Filters

Tableau(B20) - Cs12: Actions


Tableau(B20) - Cs13: Coloring Views

Coloring Views

Tableau(B20) - Cs14: Data Source COnnection Types - LIVE vs EXTRACT vs Published Data Sources & Publishing Workbooks, Data Sources to Server & Refreshing/Scheduling Workbooks, Data Sources

Workbooks & Data Sources

Tableau(B20) - Cs15: Replacing Data Sources, Full Refresh & Incremental Refresh

Workbooks & Data Sources

Tableau(B20) - Cs16: Groups


Tableau(B20) - Cs17: SET's


Tableau(B20) - Cs18: Dates-Display-format-functions


Tableau(B20) - Cs19: Data Modeling(P1)- Joins vs Relationships

Data Modeling

Tableau(B20) - Cs20: Data Modeling(P2)- DWH - UNIONS

Data Modeling

Tableau(B21) - Cs21: Dates Filters

Dates Filters

Tableau(B22) - Cs22: Dates KPI(Key Performance Indicators)-1

Dates KPI's

Tableau(B20) - Cs23: Data Modeling - UNION's, Appending, Blending

UNION's, Appending, Blending

Tableau(B20) - Cs24: LOD Functions

LOD Functions

Tableau(B20) - Cs25: WIndow Functions/ Table Calculations(LAST,FIRST,INDEX, WINDOW_SUM,WINDOW_MIN, WINDOW_MAX, WINDOW_AVG)

Window Functions / Table Calculations

Tableau(B20) - Cs26: WIndow Functions/ Table Calculations(RANK functions,Difference/Percent Difference/Year Over Year Growth/Relative to Options, Lookup function)

Window Functions / Table Calculations

Tableau(B20) - Cs27: WIndow Functions/ Table Calculations(RUNNING_SUM, Pareto Charts)

Window Functions / Table Calculations

Tableau(B20) - Cs28: Parameters(Integer,String,Date)


Tableau(B20) - Cs29: Parameters(Dynamic Dimension/Measure/Date/Sheet Parameters, Parameter Actions, Passing parameter values in SQL)


Tableau Videos - B18

General Topic videos : Self Learn
Tableau - Dashboard Layout

Dashboard Layout

Tableau - Placing Filters in Dashboard

Placing Filters in Dashboard

Tableau - Hierarchies


Tableau - Charts


SQ Basics- 1(select,from,group by, order by clauses & SUM,MIN,COUNT, COUNT(distcinct field))




SQ Basics- 3(Analytics Functions with OVER,PARTITON BY clauses & CTE(Common Table Expressions), SUb-Queries


Project-1 : Sample-superstore
Tableau - Project Video-1

Tableau - Project Video-2

Project 1

Project-2 : Covid-Dashboard
Covid Project : Video-1

Project 2

Class Videos

Tableau - Class-1 - Intro


Tableau - Class-2 - Aggregation vs Non-Aggregation


Tableau - Class-3 - Measure Filters

Measure Filters & Text Filters

Tableau - Class-4 - Groups


Tableau - Class-6 - DWH - SQL


Tableau - Class-7 - SQL-2


Tableau - Class-8 - SET's


Tableau - Class-9 - Order Of Filters

Order of Filters

Tableau - Class-10 - LOD Functions(FIXED, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE)


Tableau - Class-11 - String Functions

String Functions

Tableau - Class-12 - String & Integer Functions

String & Integer Functions

Tableau - Class-13 - Dates Intro, Formatting, Functions

Dates Intro & Functions

Tableau - Class-14 - Dates KPI(Key Performance Indicators) Part-1

Dates KPI's

Tableau - Class-15 - Dates KPI(Key Performance Indicators) Part-2

Dates KPI's

Tableau - Class-16 - Dates KPI(Key Performance Indicators) Part-3

Dates KPI's

Tableau - Class-17 - Dates Filters : Options

Dates Filters : Options

Tableau - Class-18 - Dates KPI : (YTD, PYTD YTD vs PYTD), (MTD, PMTD, MTD vs PMTD)

Dates Filters : KPI's

Tableau - Class-19 - Window Functions/Table Calculations

Window Functions

Tableau - Class-20 - Window Functions/Table Calculations - Running Totals, Relative To & Look Up Functions, Year Over Year Growth

Window Functions

Tableau - Class-21 - Window Functions/Table Calculations - RANK & Pareto chart

Window Functions - RANK & Pareto Chart

Tableau - Class-22: Actions


Tableau - Class-23: Integer Parameters

Integer Parameters

Tableau - Class-24: String Parameters

String Parameters

Tableau - Class-25: Date & Boolean Parameters

Date & Boolean Parameters

Tableau - Class-26: File Types & Publishing, Refreshing Workbooks & EXTRACT Data Sources

File Types & Refreshing

Tableau - Class-27: Replacing Data Sources & Over writting in Server

Replacing Data Sources

Tableau(B18) - Cs28: Data Modeling(P1)- Joins vs Relationships

Data Modeling

Tableau(B18) - Cs29: Data Modeling(P2)- DWH - UNIONS

Data Modeling

Tableau(B18) - Cs30: Data Modeling - UNION's, Appending, Blending

UNION's, Appending, Blending

Tableau Videos - B14

Tableau - Hierarchies


Tableau intro 1:

Tableau Intro - 1:

Tableau(Class 2) - Dimensions vs Measures & DIscrete vs Continuous

Tableau(Class 3) - Aggregation vs Non-Aggregation

Agg vs Non-Agg

Tableau(Class 4) - FIXED LOD


Tableau(Class 5) - INCLUDE LOD


Tableau(Class 6) - Layout & FIXED LOD

Layout in Tableau

Filters - Dimenison/Text Filters:

Text Filters:

Tableau(Class 7) - Layout & Marks Card:

Tableau Intro - 1:

Tableau intro 1:

Tableau Intro - 1:

Tableau - Hierarchies


Tableau intro 1:

Tableau Intro - 1:

Tableau intro 1:

Tableau Intro - 1:

Tableau intro 1:

Tableau Intro - 1:

Tableau(Class 10) - Measure Filters:

Measure FIlters - Range, Atleast, Atmost, Special Values(Show only nulls, Show only non-nulls, All Values)

Tableau(Class 11) - Placing FIlters in Dashboard - Apply to worksheets(All using related data sources, All using this data source, selected worksheets, Only this worksheet), Customise (Show 'All' option, Show apply button), Only relavant values option:

Placing FIlters in Dashboard - Apply to worksheets(All using related data sources, All using this data source, selected worksheets, Only this worksheet), Customise (Show 'All' option, Show apply button), Only relavant values option:

Tableau(Class 12) - Groups & SET's:

SET's & Groups:

Tableau(Class 13) - String& Integer Functions:



Date Functions:

Tableau(Class 15) - Date Filters:

Date FIlters - Discrete, Range, Relative date filters - Top & When workbook Opens options:

Tableau(Class 16) - Dates KPI's:

Dates KPI's - YTD,MTD, QTD - YoY, MoM, QoQ:

Tableau(Class 17) Table Calculations Part 1 - FIRST(), LAST(), INDEX():

Tableau Calculations Intro:

Tableau(Class 18) - Table Calculations - Difference,Percent Difference, Percent of Total Options

Tableau - Options Available in 'Quick Table Calculation' option:

Tableau(Class 19) - Table Calculations Part 3 - Rank functions, window & look up functons, Year over Year Growth option :

Rank & Window Functions:

Tableau(Class 21) - About Data Sources & Workbooks

About Data Sources & Workbooks - LIVE, EXTRACT, PUBLISHED data sources - .twb & .twbx Workbooks

Tableau(Class 22) - Parameters Part 1

Parameters Part 1

Tableau(Class 23) - Parameters Part 2

Parameters Part 2

Tableau(Class 24) - Actions : Filter, Highlight, Goto Sheet, Goto URL, Change SET & Change Parameter Values


Tableau(Class 25) - Row-Level Security & TABCMD Command

Row-Level Security

Tableau(Class 26) - Data Modeling in Tableau - UNIONS, JOINs,Relationships, Appending, Blending

Data Modeling in Tableau

Tableau(Class 27) - Data Modeling in Tableau - UNIONS, JOINs,Relationships, Appending, Blending - Part 2

Data Modeling in Tableau

Tableau(Class 28) - SQL Basics(Part 1)

SQL Basics Part 1

Tableau(Class 29) - SQL Basics(Part 2)

SQL Basics Part 2

Tableau(Class 30) - SQL Basics(Part 3) - Finding & Eliminating Duplicate Records

Duplicate Records

Tableau(Class 30) - About Tableau Server

About Tableau Server

Tableau Videos - B12

Tableau intro 1:

Tableau Intro - 1:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau intro 2:

Tableau Intro - 2:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau : Aggregation vs Non-Aggregation Part-1

Aggregation vs Non-Aggregation

Tableau : Aggregation vs Non-Aggregation Part-2

Aggregation vs Non-Aggregation

Tableau : Aggregation vs Non-Aggregation Part-3, Claculation Fields

Aggregation vs Non-Aggregation

Tableau : Coloring Views

Tableau Intro - 2:

Tableau : String Functions

Tableau Intro - 2:

Tableau : Dimension Filters

Dimension Filters

Tableau : Measure Filters & Placing Filters in Dashboard

Placing Filters in Dashboard

Tableau : Groups & SETS

Groups & SETS

Tableau : Hi-Erarchies & CONTEXT Filters


Dates : Display & Format

Date Filters

Dates : Date Functions

Tableau Date Functions

Dates : Date Filters

Date Filters

Dates : Date Calculations

Date Calculations

Dates : Date KPI's

Date KPI's :YTD,PYTD,YoY - QTD,PQTD, QoQ etc

Parameters : Integer Parameters

Integer Parameters

Parameters : String Parameters

Integer Parameters

Parameters : Date Parameters

Date Parameters

Parameters : Boolean Parameters

Booean Parameters in creating empty extracts

LOD's : Level Of Detail Expressions - FIXED LOD As Filter


Tableau Videos - B11

Tableau Charts p1:

Tableau charts - 1:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau Charts p2:

Tableau charts - 2:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau Agggregate vs Non-Aggregate data & Functions:

Tableau Agg vs Non-Agg Data & Functions:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau Agggregate vs Non-Aggregate p2:

Tableau charts - 1:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau Coloring Views Based on Dimensions & Measures:

Tableau charts - 2:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau Filters - Dimension Filters:

Tableau Dimension Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau Filters - Measure Filters:

Tableau Measure Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau Filters - Placing Filters in dashboard:

Tableau Measure Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau Filters - Groups, SETS, Hierarchies:

1) Difference between groups and SETS is SET's can have only 2 values i.e IN & OUT. But groups can have more than 2 members based on requirement we create as many as we want.

2) Groups can be created on both dimensions & measures but SET's can be created only on Dimensions.

Tableau Measure Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Tableau Filters - CONTEXT Filters:

1) Main use case of context filters is to find out top-N customers from selected regions in filters.

2) All dimensions & Measures will take data from CONTEXT filters only including FIXED LOD

3) Tableau creates seperate table in backend for context filters. As this filters have less data so performance improves with context filters. But if we add more filters to context then for every change in filters Tableau has to create seperate Table in backend which takes time. So if we add more filters to CONTEXT then performance dicreases.

Tableau Measure Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

LOD Functions - FIXED LOD:

1) To aggregate data at perticular dimension levels will use FIXED LOD. FIXED LOD is like GROUP BY functions in SQL.

2) FIXED calculation will not depend on any dimensions except used in FIXED calculation and CONTXET filters.

3) Main use case of FIXED lod is to filter data in sheets at specific dimension levels. For example, in sheet we are showing data at region level but want to filter this data at customer_name level then we use FIXED LOD at customet_name level & use this as filter

Tableau Measure Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis


1) To aggregate data at perticular dimension levels will use FIXED LOD. FIXED LOD is like GROUP BY functions in SQL.

2) FIXED calculation will not depend on any dimensions except used in FIXED calculation and CONTXET filters.

3) Main use case of FIXED lod is to filter data in sheets at specific dimension levels. For example, in sheet we are showing data at region level but want to filter this data at customer_name level then we use FIXED LOD at customet_name level & use this as filter

Tableau Measure Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Dates : Display & Formatting Dates

1) To aggregate data at perticular dimension levels will use FIXED LOD. FIXED LOD is like GROUP BY functions in SQL.

2) FIXED calculation will not depend on any dimensions except used in FIXED calculation and CONTXET filters.

3) Main use case of FIXED lod is to filter data in sheets at specific dimension levels. For example, in sheet we are showing data at region level but want to filter this data at customer_name level then we use FIXED LOD at customet_name level & use this as filter

Tableau Measure Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Dates : Filters

1)Filter using options, TRUE/FALSE, IF Statements.

Tableau date Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Dates : KPI's

KPI's : YTD,PYTD, YOY Growth %.

Tableau date Filters:

Data Modeling : UNIONS

KPI's : YTD,PYTD, YOY Growth %.

Tableau date Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Data Modeling : Joins - Part-1

KPI's : YTD,PYTD, YOY Growth %.

Tableau date Filters:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Data Modeling : Joins, Relationships

Tableau date Filters:

Joins vs Relationships

Tableau date Filters:

Data Modeling : Blending

Tableau date Filters:


Tableau date Filters:

Scheduling Data Sources : I.E Refreshing Data Sources & Replacing data sources

Tableau date Filters:

Parameters : Integer Parameters

Integer Parameters

Parameters : String & Dynamic dimension-measure parameters, Sheet swapping with parameters

String & Dynamic Parameters

Parameters : Dates & Empty extracts

Dates & Empty EXTRACT

Table Calculations : FIRST(), LAST(), INDEX() Functions

KPI's : YTD,PYTD, YOY Growth %.

Tableau date Filters:

Table Calculations : Percent of Total, Percent difference, Year over Year Growth

Tableau date Filters:

Table Calculations : Running Totals

Running Totals

Table Calculations : Pareto Charts & 'Add secondary Table Calculation' option

Pareto Charts

SQL Basics - Part-1 : Aggregate functions, group by, Order by clauses

Pareto Charts

SQL Basics - Part-2 :

SQL Basics

Tableau - Actions


Project on Targets

Project Targets

Tableau Old Videos

Tableau Introduction:

Tableau - Introduction:

1) What are the options we can see when we open new Tableau desktop?
List of databases to connect
Sample-super store dataset for practice
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime
3) In 'Show Me' option how many charts available?
4) What options we see in 'marks' card?
5) When we drag dimentions/measures into rows what happens? ?
Rows creates x-axis, Columns creates y-axis
Rows creates y-axis, Columns creates x-axis
Both creates x-axis
Both creates y-axis

Scenorio-1:Creating workbook and Publishing to Tableau server

Create a .twb workbook with sheet-1,sheet2 and a dashboard/tab with sheet1,sheet2 and publish workbook to tableau server with name 'wb1_scenorio1'. sheet1 should be a text table with category,sales,profit and sheet-2 should be a bar chart with region,sales. Dashboard/tab name should be 'Sales' and while publishing workbook publish only 'Sales' tab/dashboard to tableau server. Use sample super-store data for above scenorio.
In this scenorio will learn below additional topics:
tables and fields list of created data source,
symbol of LIVE data source(Single cylinder),
file type of LIVE data source(.tds),
formating dashboard title with layout option,
Hiding sheets(Hide option will appear if sheet placed in dashboard only).

1) Symbol & file type of LIVE data source?
Single cylinder & .tds
Single cylinder & .hyper
Double cylinder & .tds
Double cylinder & .hyper
2) When we create bar chart default color of bar is 'blue'. How to change this color of new color?
Tableau don't have option to change color of bar
In marks card, click on 'color' option & click on color we want
In marks card, clicl on 'color'->more colors->click on basic colors/provide 'rgb(Red-Green-Blue)' codes/provide HTML color code
2 & 3 options correct
3) How to hide/delete sheets?
Right click on sheet then we can see hide option
First place sheets in dashboard->right click on sheet name->then we can see hide option
Dont place sheets in dashboards then only we can see hide option
If we don't place sheets in dashboard then we see only 'Delete' option when we right click on sheet names
2 & 4 correct
4) Where we can see 'publish workbook' & 'Open workbook' & 'Create user filter' options in Tableau desktop?
In main menu, click on 'server' option
In main menu, click on 'Help' option
In main menu, click on 'File' option
In main menu, click on any 'Analasys' or 'Format' or 'Window' options
5) Created bar chart with Region and Sales. Now at the end of each bar, i want to see Sales & Profit values. How to acheive it?
As bar chart is not created with profit, we cannot see profit at end of each bar
Drag & Drop Sales and Profit fields into Lable/Text in marks card
By default bar chart shows sales & profit
Drag slaes and profit fields to 'detail' option in marks card

Scenorio-2:Over writting workbook to server and Creating Donut chart

For workbook created in scenorio-1, add two more sheets sheet3(highlight table) and sheet4(donut chart - inner donut should show total sales and outer donut should show sales by order_date) and place sheet3,sheet4 also in same tab/dashboard 'Sales' just below sheet1 and sheet2 and publish this workbook to tableau server with name 'wb2_scenorio2'. Before publishing create the EXTRACT of the data source and then publish workbook. If workbook uses EXTRACT data source then that workbook is called .twbx workbook i.e packaged workbook.
Dashboard should have 2 filters order_date, category and sub-category. Category and Sub-category filter be applied to all views/sheets in dashboard and apply order_date to all views except do-nut chart. When category filter applied then we should see only corresponding values in sub_category filter(this type of filtering called cascading filtering).
In this scenorio will learn below additional topics:
How to open tableau server from url and searching for workbooks,
Opening workbook from tableau desktop which is in tableau server,
Giving different colors to each category in sheet1-in general based on which dimension you want to apply colors drag that dimension to color card,
'Apply to worksheets' and 'Only relavant values'/'all values in database' options in filtering data,
Placing sheets in a layout container - horizontal/vertical containers & using 'distribute evenly' option.

1) Select correct option from below?
LIVE connections don't need refresh/schedule in server because whenever user opens those (data sources)/workbooks they get data from database only
EXTRACT connecions need to schedule/refresh for latest data in server
Schedule workbook if data is embed(EXTRACT) within workbook & schedule data source if it is published seperately to tableau server
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime


Create two workbooks one with LIVE connection to mysql db and other with EXTRACT connection to mysql db and publish both workbooks to tableau server. After publishing schedule workbooks in server for 2 times around 9AM EST and 12.30PM EST for refreshing data.
In this scenorio will learn below additional topics:
Connecting to mysql db,
Cross database joins i.e joining tables from 2 different databases,
Applying data source filters,
Joining/union/relationship between tables,
Eliminating duplicates if any,
Refreshing LIVE & EXTRACT data sources in tableau desktop and in tableau server.

1) Select correct option from below?
LIVE connections don't need refresh/schedule in server because whenever user opens those (data sources)/workbooks they get data from database only
EXTRACT connecions need to schedule/refresh for latest data in server
Schedule workbook if data is embed(EXTRACT) within workbook & schedule data source if it is published seperately to tableau server
All above
2) Where we can activate Tableai license key?
File->Activate product key
Help->Manage product keys
We dont have that option in Tableau desktop
Tableau desktop is free lifetime

Scenorio-4:Tableau-Row Level Security

Implemet row level security with USERNAME() function and 'Create user filter' option based on requirement.

1) What are the options available for implementing row-level security?
USERNAME() function, 'Create User Filter' options
Only USERNAME() function
Only 'create user filter' option
2) What username function will do?
Displays all users available in tableau server
Displays only that user who logged into server from desktop
Displays only that user who selected from desktop at bottom right, for checking how data looks to that user
All above
3) How 'create user filter' option works?
For this to implement we need to select dimension on which row-level security applying
This opton can work for individual users and groups also
This option creates True&False calculation filed, this calculation field can be used at indivual sheet level & at all sheets level also
All above
4) 'create user filter' option creates a calculation field of?
Dimension with True/False
Measure with True/False
SET with True/False
Group with True/False

Scenorio-5:Tableau-SETS, Table calculations: FIRST(),LAST() functions

Tableau-SETS, Table calculations: FIRST(),LAST() function
1. Top 5 & Bottom 5 customers by sales in a single sheet - using SETS and FIRST,LAST functions.
2. Find top-10 order_id's by sales and when user selects perticular region view should display top-10 order_id's from that region.
3. Find min order_id sales value and max order_id sales value for each customer and when user hover on min and max value then tooltip should show order_id correspondingly.
4. Display last day in each month

1) What are the options available for implementing row-level security?
USERNAME() function, 'Create User Filter' options
Only USERNAME() function
Only 'create user filter' option
2) What username function will do?
Displays all users available in tableau server
Displays only that user who logged into server from desktop
Displays only that user who selected from desktop at bottom right, for checking how data looks to that user
All above
3) How 'create user filter' option works?
For this to implement we need to select dimension on which row-level security applying
This opton can work for individual users and groups also
This option creates True&False calculation filed, this calculation field can be used at indivual sheet level & at all sheets level also
All above
4) 'create user filter' option creates a calculation field of?
Dimension with True/False
Measure with True/False
SET with True/False
Group with True/False

Class-2: Connecting to Google Sheets, Row-level data & Aggregated data, Coloring bar graphs based on Dimensions & Measures

1. Connecting to Google Sheets from Tableau
2. Refresh data in Tableau when data in google sheets updated
3. Row-level data & aggregated data
4. Aggregated functions in Tableau SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT, COUNTD
5. Coloring bars based on Dimension values
6. Coloring bars based on measure values

1) What are the options available for implementing row-level security?
USERNAME() function, 'Create User Filter' options
Only USERNAME() function
Only 'create user filter' option
2) What username function will do?
Displays all users available in tableau server
Displays only that user who logged into server from desktop
Displays only that user who selected from desktop at bottom right, for checking how data looks to that user
All above
3) How 'create user filter' option works?
For this to implement we need to select dimension on which row-level security applying
This opton can work for individual users and groups also
This option creates True&False calculation filed, this calculation field can be used at indivual sheet level & at all sheets level also
All above
4) 'create user filter' option creates a calculation field of?
Dimension with True/False
Measure with True/False
SET with True/False
Group with True/False

Class-3: Filters: Dimension Filters

1. Apply to All worksheets: 'All using this data source'(Global Filter), 'Selected Worksheets', 'Only this worksheet'
2. Customize option: 'All Values', 'SHow Aplly Button'

1) What are the options available for implementing row-level security?
USERNAME() function, 'Create User Filter' options
Only USERNAME() function
Only 'create user filter' option
2) What username function will do?
Displays all users available in tableau server
Displays only that user who logged into server from desktop
Displays only that user who selected from desktop at bottom right, for checking how data looks to that user
All above
3) How 'create user filter' option works?
For this to implement we need to select dimension on which row-level security applying
This opton can work for individual users and groups also
This option creates True&False calculation filed, this calculation field can be used at indivual sheet level & at all sheets level also
All above
4) 'create user filter' option creates a calculation field of?
Dimension with True/False
Measure with True/False
SET with True/False
Group with True/False

Class-4: String Functions

1. String Functions:

1) What are the options available for implementing row-level security?
USERNAME() function, 'Create User Filter' options
Only USERNAME() function
Only 'create user filter' option
2) What username function will do?
Displays all users available in tableau server
Displays only that user who logged into server from desktop
Displays only that user who selected from desktop at bottom right, for checking how data looks to that user
All above
3) How 'create user filter' option works?
For this to implement we need to select dimension on which row-level security applying
This opton can work for individual users and groups also
This option creates True&False calculation filed, this calculation field can be used at indivual sheet level & at all sheets level also
All above
4) 'create user filter' option creates a calculation field of?
Dimension with True/False
Measure with True/False
SET with True/False
Group with True/False

Class-5: Dates, Date Functions, Date Filters

1. Dates: Dispaly dates in different formats:

1) What are the options available for implementing row-level security?
USERNAME() function, 'Create User Filter' options
Only USERNAME() function
Only 'create user filter' option
2) What username function will do?
Displays all users available in tableau server
Displays only that user who logged into server from desktop
Displays only that user who selected from desktop at bottom right, for checking how data looks to that user
All above
3) How 'create user filter' option works?
For this to implement we need to select dimension on which row-level security applying
This opton can work for individual users and groups also
This option creates True&False calculation filed, this calculation field can be used at indivual sheet level & at all sheets level also
All above
4) 'create user filter' option creates a calculation field of?
Dimension with True/False
Measure with True/False
SET with True/False
Group with True/False

Class-6: Parameters



Interview Quetions-1

Class-1(Part-1):Tableau Intro

Class-1(Part-2):Publishing data sources(LIVE & EXTRACT) & Refreshing data sources/workbooks in server

Class-1(Part-3):Replacing Datasources and Replacing Fields

Class-1(Part-4):Data Modeling in Tableau:Schemas & Joins Introduction

Class-2(Part-1):Data Modeling in Tableau-Joins,Relationships etc

Class-2(Part-2):Data Modeling in Tableau-Joins,Relationships etc

Class-3(Part-1): Creating 1st workbook & Publishing to server

Class-3(Part-2): Layout and Over writting Existing workbook to server

Class-4(Part-1): Row Level & Aggregated data

Class-4(Part-2): About Data Sources - LIVE, EXTRACT, PUBLISHED

Class-5(Part-1): Charts - Bar, Stacked Bar, Dual Axis, Blended Axis

Class-5(Part-2): Charts - Pie, Tree, Heat & Highlight, Line

Class-6(Part-1): Custom SQL intro & Options in Dimensions & Measures

Class-7(Part-1): Coloring bars/views based on Dimension Values

Class-7(Part-2): Coloring bars/views based on Measure Values

Class-7(Part-3): Schema & String FUnctions

Class-8(Part-1): Filters: Dimension Filters

Class-8(Part-2): Filters: Dimension filters - Top, SET, Group options for finding top-N

Class-8(Part-3): Filters: Measure Filters

Class-8(Part-4): Filters: Context Filters & Data source, EXTRACT filters

Class-09(Part-1): Table Calculations - Difference, Percent Difference Options

Class-09(Part-2): Table Calculations - Running Total, Percent of Total options

Class-09(Part-3): Table Calculations - Window functions, Firsr(0, LAST(), INDEX(), RANK()

Class-10: Pacing Filters in Dashboard

Class-12(Part-1): Parameters: Integer, String Parameters

Class-12(Part-2): Parameters: Date parameters, Dynamic selection/swap sheets with parameters, Dynamic Measure/Dimension selection with parameters

Class-12(Part-3): Parameters: Empty EXTRACTS with parameters & Refreshing Empty extracts in Tableau Server

Class-13(Part-1): Dates & Date Filters

Class-13(Part-2): Date Functions

Class-13(Part-3): Dates Calculation fields & KPI's

Class-14(Part-1): Actions: Filter, Goto Sheet, Go to URL actions

Class-15(Part-1): LOD(Level Of Detail) - Functions Intro & FIXED LOD

Class-15(Part-2): LOD(Level Of Detail) - INCLUDE, EXCLUDE

Class-16: Basic SQL - Part-1

Class-16: Basic SQL - Part-2

Class-16: Basic SQL - Part-3

New Batch Videos

Tableau Introduction

Tableau Introduction: Part-2

Dimensions vs Measures & Aggregate vs Non-Aggregate: part-1

Dimensions vs Measures & Aggregate vs Non-Aggregate: Part-2

Aggregate vs Non-Aggregate data - New

String Functions

Data Modeling in Tableau: Joins, Relationships, Unions, Blending, Append File Option

Coloring Views & Filters: Dimension and Measure Filters

Filters: Dimension and Measure Filters - New

Pacing Filters in Dashboard

Dates : Display & Formatting dates in sheets

Dates : Functions

Dates : Filters & Date Calculations YTD,QTD,MTD, YoY %ge,QoQ %ge, MoM %ge

Dates : Filters & Date Calculations YTD,QTD,MTD, YoY %ge,QoQ %ge, MoM %ge - New

Groups-SETS-Hirarchies: Groups,SETS,Hirarchies & Using Groups & SETS as Filters

Table Calculations: FIRST(),LAST(), INDEX(), RANK() Functions